Working memory is one of the vital components of the cognitive functioning of the students, which plays a huge role in their academic success. It basically helps young learners to retain information and manipulate it as per their needs for a shorter period of time.

If you are also looking for some effective ways to improve your young learners' working memory, then theatre games are one of the best choices to achieve it.

Those teachers, who have pursued courses like Certificate in Early Years Care and Education, know how beneficial theatre games are and how they can boost the memory skills of young learners.

In this blog post, we will be exploring some of the fun theatre games that boost working memory and other skills, which can ultimately improve their academic outcomes.

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What is Working Memory?

working memory

Working memory is the retention of a small amount of knowledge in a form that can be easily accessed and used in active cognitive tasks. A working memory system is necessary for all individuals from young learners to adults for planning, comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving processes.

Learn, about the benefits and challenges of gamification in primary education, here:

Fun and Effective Theatre Activities & Games For Young Learners

Theatre games are one of the best engaging and interactive activities that encourage young learners to think quickly, make immediate judgments, and memorize cues and lines. These games can help students enhance their working memory by requiring them to remember information, follow instructions, and make quick decisions in a fun and playful environment.

Let’s get to know some of the fun-filled and engaging theatre activities that will boost your young learner’s working memory to improve their academic outcomes.

1. Mind Reader

One of the popular theatre games to improve working memory is “Mind Reader.” In this game, one student leaves the classroom while the others select a "mind reader" who will attempt to predict the word picked by the group. The group then chooses a category (e.g., vegetables, colours, or animals), and the "mind reader" must ask questions to figure out the right word. To successfully guess the word in this game, the "mind reader" must retain various pieces of information, establish logical connections, and recall specifics.

2. Mirror Mirror

In this theatre game, you need to partner up one student with another student and they need to mimic each other movement in real-time. In a pair one student can be a leader and they need to add a series of different movements and their partner needs to retain those movements and they need to repeat them in a similar order. This game challenges students to retain the different movements, all movement sequences & orders, and execute them properly.

3. One Word Story

In this game, you need to make students sit in a circle and instruct them to add one word by turn to create a story. Every student needs to remember the previous word and add a new word to continue the flow of the story. This game challenges the student to remember the precious words, think ahead, and be creative to continue the story.

Use These Theatre Games That Boost Working Memory and Other Skills

To develop the working memory of your young learners, which improves their cognitive development and sets them towards their academic success, theatre-based activities, and games are one of the best approaches. You can use the above-mentioned theatre-based games and activities, which are engaging, and interactive that can help to improve the working memory significantly of your students.

If you want to learn more effective and engaging teaching strategies to support your students to achieve academic success. Then you can consider pursuing courses like Certificate in Early Years Care and Education, where you can get to learn from top expert trainers from the education industry.

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Written By : Abhishek