Handling a child with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can be very challenging and tiring sometimes. The disturbance, limitless energy, forgetfulness, interruptions, etc. can be quite frustrating for parents at times. However, this doesn’t mean their child cannot learn right from wrong, it’s just they have to familiarize their ways of communicating with the child.

Generally, kids with ADHD have different brain-functionality from those of other kids. While children with ADHD can still learn, their special needdoes make them more inclined to impulsive behaviour.But, by following these strategies, you can limit disparaging behaviour and help your child overcome uncertainty.

Tips and Strategies for Parenting Children With ADHD

Following are some of the helpful tips that can help make both of your lives easier ---

1. Task- Break Up

For an ADHD child, a big task can feel overwhelming.Hence, try to break up tasks into small and doable sections.If your child is younger, have them complete one task at first and come back to you to find out what to do next.Break tasks into possible goals where possible. This will regulate the emotions related to succeeding or failing.

2. Control Aggression

Generally, for kids with ADHD, aggressive outburst is a common problem.If your child acts out in public, they should be directly removed in a calm and conclusive manner.Try to ignore insignificantly disruptive behaviours as a way for releasing his or her pent-up oomph. But, damaging, abusive, or intentionally troublesome behaviour should always be addressed.

3. Explain Well

Rather than commanding or ordering, explain well. Explaining the whys and wherefores for doing a task can lessen worry and confusion in a kid with ADHD. While explaining things, a person should use positive with clear language. This is also respectful for your ADHD child.

4. Establish A Routine

When the tasks happen in probable patterns and predictable places, ADHD children are more likely to flourish. Set a timetable to help the child with ADHD understand and meet expectations. You can place clocks throughout the house, with a big one in your child’s bedroom. Also, create a quiet place for your child.

5. Encourage Exercise

Physical exercises also help an ADHD child focus his/her attention on precise movements. This decreases impulsivity. Exercise also aids to improve concentration, reduce the risk for depression as well as anxiety, and stimulate the brain in healthy conduct. Many professional athletes have ADHD.

“Don’ts” For Dealing withan ADHD Child

The calmer you are, the calmer your child will become.

  • Don't get overwhelmed quickly and lash out
  • Don’t be negative
  • Don’t think too far ahead
  • Don’t ask too much of your child
  • Don't try to control everything
  • Don't overly focus your radar on the child's misbehaviour
  • Don’t dictate
  • Don’t try diets that eliminate lots of food
  • Don’t overdose your child with vitamins

The Bottom Line

For parents, it is extremely necessary to get educated about ADHD with SEN Courses for Parents program. This will support you understand your child more and be better prepared to advocate for them. See, all children misbehave sometimes. Be kind to yourself and your child and help compassionately.

Written By : Roshni Chatterjee