In a special Ed classroom, when the teacher can offer seating options to the learners it can create a great opportunity for special needs students to let out excess energy and focus on their schoolwork throughout the day. However, finding flexible seating options for the special Ed classroom can be a tricky job!

To create a learning environment that is comfortable and relaxing for special children needs to come from a learner-focused perspective. And since no two classrooms are the same, special education teachers who want to provide the best alternative seating for children, first need to prioritize students' needs for making the seating arrangement effective. Special Education courses in Kolkata can help aid special educators build a learning environment that is can sustain learners’ engagement in the classroom.

To begin, let us first understand ‘what is Alternative seating’!

In a learning environment, alternative seating is prepared with a different type of seating equipment, for instance, seating cushions, bean bags, therapy balls, etc. these types of seating support movement and body sensation during the school day. Especially for special needs children, it is essential to create opportunities to generate more sensationswhich can be bouncing, lifting weights, or snuggle a soft cushion. This type of sensitization allows special needs students to stay engaged in the lesson, focus more while practicing tabletop activities or doing group activities. Therefore, alternative seating is an effective strategy in special education classrooms that helps educators to ease the nervous system and regulate the arousal state to help the learner stay focused.

So, what are some alternative seating you can use in the special Ed classroom!

Exercise Balls

Exercise balls have been ago-to alternative seating for years. These seating are relatively inexpensive and also can be easily replaced with the traditional chairs at desks. Exercise balls provide sensory input while students are focusing on the lesson, it can also help learners to move their postures and tone muscles.

Donut Balls

Unlike exercise balls, donut balls allow wobbly cushions and stability at the same time. These balls are sort of orange-shaped, a bit lower to the ground where students can sit while given a scope to fidget and wiggle at the same time. These seating are for floor time, circle time can also be used with lap desks.

Wobble Chairs

Comparatively new, this kind of seating is a combination of chair stability with bouncy seating. Wobble chairs are flexible with a capacity to move. These chairs are available in different sizes and thus can fit the needs of all students. It can be beneficial for strengthening and improving blood flow in the trunk and legs muscle.

Bean Bag Chair

Bean bag chairs are the favorite seating for all. It can be used for classroom areas to allow students to rest and relax, especially learners with attention or sensory-related disorders.This kind of seating provides learners with an opportunity for calming proprioceptive sensory stimulation – where a child can sink into the chair as it molds itself around their body. Bean bag chair fits perfectly during quiet activities like reading and listening.

Takeaway for Special Educators

Keeping a child’s attention during their school work can be a difficult task. With special needs students whether autistic, ADHD, or with some other learning disability it becomes even more challenging. Seating still for too long is not healthy for the bodies even for anyone, which is why there are so many new mythologies of teaching that are encouraging teachers to use each corner of the classroom effectively.

As prolonged “sitting still” can also lead to fatigue, decreased muscle tone, soreness, and lack of focus, movement of the body can bring more engagement in the classroom, also alleviate the negative effects of prolonged sitting. Special Education courses in Kolkata bring liveliness to your special Ed classroom and facilitate a better learning environment for special needs students.

Written By : Soma Adhikari